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  1. 可可托海的牧羊人歌曲英文原唱?


The shepherd of Keke Tohainbsp;

原唱 - Wang Qi

Word: britain-based authority

Song: britain-based authority

Arrangement: Da Wu-ran

Shrink mix: Wenkzin

Sweetheart, I am waiting for you in Coco Tohai

They said you were married to Ili

Is it because of the beautiful nalati there

The apricot flowers there

To make the sweet you want

The rain didn#39;t keep you that night

The wind of the valley it wept with me

Your camel bells are still ringing in my ears

Tell me you were here before

I can#39;t make enough wine to drink myself

You sing songs that make me drunk

I will accompany you over the mountains and through the Gobi

But you left without saying good-bye and cut off all information

Sweetheart, I am waiting for you in Coco Tohai

They said you were married to Ili

Is it because of the beautiful nalati there

The apricot flowers there

To make the sweet you want

Outside the yurt, camel bells rang again

I know it wasn#39;t you

No one else could sing a song as beautiful as yours

There#39;s not one beautiful girl I can#39;t forget

I can#39;t make enough wine to drink myself

You sing songs that make me drunk

I will accompany you over the mountains and through the Gobi

But you left without saying good-bye and cut off all information

Sweetheart, I am waiting for you in Coco Tohai

They said you were married to Ili

Is it because of the beautiful nalati there

The apricot flowers there

To make the sweet you want

Outside the yurt, camel bells rang again

I know it wasn#39;t you

No one else could sing a song as beautiful as yours

There#39;s not one beautiful girl I can#39;t forget

Sweetheart, I am waiting for you in Coco Tohai

They said you were married to Ili

Is it because of the beautiful nalati there

The apricot flowers there

To make the sweet you want

Outside the yurt, camel bells rang again

I know it wasn#39;t you

No one else could sing a song as beautiful as yours

There#39;s not one beautiful girl I can#39;t forget

可可托海的牧羊人英文版 - Lucy英文歌


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